蔡笑天,李 哲,马 爽.中国大陆企业研发投入结构特征与创新态势——基于中国大陆与主要发达经济体企业研发数据的分析[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2018,(10):15~24
A Study of Progress of Smart Specialisation StrategiesImplementation and Its Enlightments to China
中文关键词: 研发投入规模;研发投入强度;企业研发投入
英文关键词: R&D investment scale; R&D investment intensity; enterprise R&D investment
基金项目:科技部创新战略研究专项“我国科技创新政策体系与未来发展方向研究”(ZLY201621)、“新兴产业发展与‘创新政策 3.0’ 研究”(ZLY201709)、“以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想指导我国科技创新重大问题研究”(ZLY201731)
李 哲  
马 爽  
摘要点击次数: 2356
全文下载次数: 1721
      利用2013—2017年全球企业研发投入2 000强的数据,对中国大陆企业研发投入结构特征进行系统描述性统计发现:重视研发投入成为新趋势,企业的研发投入和研发强度显著提高,其中信息通信技术行业创新态势良好;非国有控股企业更多集中在新兴技术领域且研发投入增长速度高于国有控股企业。基于中国大陆企业研发投入现状与趋势,进一步与美国、欧盟、日本等发达经济体企业进行比较,发现:中国大陆企业的研发投入增长速度高于发达经济体,但研发投入总体规模仍存在较大差距;中美企业在新兴技术领域数量较多,欧盟和日本企业更多集中在传统行业。对面向中国大陆企业的科技创新政策导向的若干转变做进一步思考,提出加强分类政策引导,鼓励有条件的企业持续加大研发积累以及加速从研发投入到盈利水平的良性循环等建议。
      Based on the data of the 2013-2017 global enterprise R&D investment TOP 2 000, systematic descriptive statistics on the structural characteristics of R&D investment in Chinese mainland enterprises suggest that: With the new trend of paying attention to R&D investment, the R&D investment and R&D intensity of enterprises are significantly improved. Private enterprises are more concentrated in emerging technology fields and their R&D investment is growing faster than state-owned holding companies. Based on the status quo and trend of R&D investment in China mainland, it is further compared with the developed economies of the United States, the European Union, and Japan. The growth rate of R&D investment of Chinese enterprises is higher than that of developed economies, but there is still a big gap in the overall scale of R&D investment. Suggestions such as strengtheing the classification policy guidance, encouraging qualified companies to continue to increase R&D accumulation and accelerating the virtuous cycle from R&D investment to profitability are proposed.
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