The Agriculture Development in Egypt and Proposals for China-Egypt Cooperation on Agriculture under the Background of International Food Crisis
中文关键词: 应急管理;防灾减灾;气候变化
英文关键词: science and technology;agriculture;Egypt;Africa
李宁 中国科学技术交流中心 
摘要点击次数: 3197
全文下载次数: 3805
      农业在埃及经济社会发展中历来占据首要地位。在当今世界粮食短缺、粮价暴涨、发展中国家粮食安全受到严重威胁的特殊时刻,积极促进农业发展,努力增加粮食产量,是目前埃及政府面临的头等大事。 本报告通过分析埃及现阶段的环境、地理和人口概况,以及埃及在全球粮食危机冲击下受到的诸多影响,阐述农业发展和粮食供应对于埃及的重要意义。通过研究埃及最新的农业发展情况和一些重要数据及指标,以及《埃及经济社会发展第六个“五年规划”2007-2012》中有关农业发展的若干政策,介绍埃及的农业技术研究体系和推广体系,结合我国科技援外总体战略,就未来中埃农业科技合作提出建议:探索以育种和种质资源合作、农业机械化技术合作、沙漠化治理、土壤改良及旱作农业作为重点领域;建议突出科技在中非农业合作中的重要性,强化培训、建立农业科技示范试点和规划农业战略基地。通过加强中埃及中非农业合作,推动我国农业国际化进程。
      The development of agriculture has always been playing a pivotal role in Egypt. With the background of the current world food shortage, soared food prices and the international food crisis overwhelmingly hitting food safety circumstances of many developing countries in the world, the Egyptian government is engaging in promoting agricultural development so as to increase its food production. The report states the importance of agricultural development and food supply for Egypt through analyzing the current status of its environment, geography and population as well as the impact of international food crisis on Egypt. It also studies key indicators and data of Egypt’s latest agricultural development, the relevant policies from the Sixth Five-Year Plan of Egypt 2007-2012 and the agricultural research and promotion system in the country. Combining with our overall strategy of China-aid science and technology, the paper puts forward some proposals for China-Egypt cooperation on agriculture science and technology, such as exploring some key areas which are cooperation of breeding and germplasm resources, technology cooperation of agricultural mechanization, treatment of desertification, soil improvement and dry farming, and highlights the importance of science and technology in Chin-Africa agricultural cooperation by enhancing technical training, building agricultural demonstration pilot and programming the agricultural strategic base. China-Egypt and China-Africa cooperation on agriculture should be promoted to push the internationalization process of China’s agriculture sector.
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