孙亚洲,吕 彬,李晓松.主题视角下的美国《2022 年芯片法案》半导体管理与激励政策研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2024,39(3):26~35
主题视角下的美国《2022 年芯片法案》半导体管理与激励政策研究
Semiconductor Management and Incentive Policies of the Chips Act of 2022 in the United States from a Theme Perspective
中文关键词: 美国;科技博弈;半导体政策
英文关键词: the United States; technology game; semiconductor policy
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“数据驱动的 XXXX 评估指标自动生成与自适应构建方法研究”(72074219);国家社会科学        基金重大项目“巩固提高新时代一体化战略和能力系统分析与重点问题研究”(23ZDA119)。
吕 彬  
摘要点击次数: 834
全文下载次数: 1461
      美国《2022 年芯片法案》是未来一段时期内美国芯片领域的指导性文件,对全球半导体技 术发展、产业经济和供应链都将产生重要影响。分析美国《2022 年芯片法案》,以隐性狄利克雷分布 (Latent Dirichlet Allocation,LDA)模型的 15 个主题挖掘结果为基础,细粒度解读该法案半导体 管理与激励措施,探讨其政策重点。美国《2022 年芯片法案》提出由国家指导和授权半导体发展相 关计划,其政策重点包括半导体激励措施的审查与监管、创建基金以激励半导体生产、培养半导体 人才、优先支持美国关键制造业供应链实体等,结合中国半导体产业实际提出对策与启示。
      The Chips Act of 2022 of the United States is a guiding document for the U.S. chip industry in the coming period, which will have a significant impact on global semiconductor technology development, industrial economy, and supply chain. This paper analyzes the Chips Act of 2022 of the United States, and based on the mining results of 15 topics in the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) model, provides a fine-grained interpretation of the semiconductor management and incentive measures of the act, exploring its policy priorities. The Chips Act of 2022 of the United States determines that semiconductor development related plans will be guided and authorized by the state. Its policy priorities include reviewing and regulating semiconductor incentive measures, creating funds to incentivise semiconductor production, cultivating semiconductor talents, and prioritizing support for key manufacturing supply chain entities in the United States. It proposes countermeasures and inspirations based on the actual situation of China’s semiconductor industry.
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