Center for Strategic Studies of the Chinese Academy of Engineering
中文关键词: 产业研发投入;企业;产业竞争力;记分牌
英文关键词: industrial R&D investment; enterprise; industrial competitiveness; scoreboard
基金项目:中国工程院战略研究与咨询项目“2024 年度全球工程前沿研究”( 2024-XBZD-20)。
摘要点击次数: 335
全文下载次数: 641
      为评估中国产业的科技创新能力及全球竞争力,基于 2014—2023 年《欧盟产业研发投入记 分牌》,从宏观全球视角、中观产业视角及微观企业视角,对产业研发投入的规模、结构和速度等指 标进行横向和纵向对比。分析结果显示,在宏观层面,全球产业研发投入快速增长,中国和美国成为 全球产业创新格局中的重要两极;在中观层面,信息、通信和电信产业(ICT)制造业,ICT 服务业,医 药卫生和汽车交通产业是全球研发最为密集的产业,ICT 服务业和医药卫生产业发展速度领先其他 产业;在微观层面,美国在世界级科技领军企业数量方面保持全球领先地位,中国工业、建筑和材料 产业的领军企业展现了强大的全球竞争力。为进一步提升中国产业的全球竞争力,建议在宏观层面,营 造有利于企业科技创新的生态,激发企业科技创新动力;在中观层面,把握全球科技革命和产业变革 趋势,拓展企业科技创新空间;在微观层面,加快培育世界一流科技企业,树立企业科技创新榜样。
      In order to evaluate the capability and global competitiveness of China’s industries, this paper makes a horizontal and vertical comparison of the scale, structure, speed and other indicators of R&D investment from the perspective of global, sector and enterprise level, based on the data of the E.U. Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard from 2014 to 2023. The results show that on a general level, global industrial R&D investment has grown rapidly, and China and the United States have become important innovation poles in the world. On the sectoral level, ICT manufacturing, ICT service, medicine & health, and automobile transportation are the most R&D-intensive sectors, and the ICT service and medicine & health sectors lead the global industrial investment growth. On the micro level, the United States has maintained a global leading position in the number of world-class technology companies, while China’s leading enterprises in industrial, construction and materials industry have shown strong global competitiveness. In order to enhance the global competitiveness of China’s industry, it is suggested that, on the macro level, an ecology should be created to stimulate enterprise to increase investment in scientific and technological innovation; on the sectoral level, technology foresight should be strengthened to look for the trend of global scientific and technological revolution and the new opportunity of industrial development; on the micro level, the cultivation of world-class enterprises should be accelerated to establish a trend of enterprise innovation.
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