李 莉,王 珺,曹晓阳,彭现科.新形势下美国技术出口管制逻辑及启示建议[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2024,(4):45~51,76
Logic of U.S. Technology Export Control Under the New Situation and Its Enlightenment and Suggestions to China
中文关键词: 美国;技术出口管制;演进历程;管控特点
英文关键词: the United States; technology export control; evolving history; characteristic of control
基金项目:中国工程院重点咨询项目“技术贸易安全管理前沿研究”(2021-JZ-10);中国工程院重大咨询项目“技术贸易安全发展        战略研究”(2023-HYZD-05);中国科协青年人才托举工程项目(YESS20220455)。
李 莉  
王 珺  
摘要点击次数: 432
全文下载次数: 983
      美国技术出口管制法案管制内容、力度和对象随着不同时期的国家关系、主要矛盾和国家战略 而发生变化。当前,美国已将中国视为最主要的战略竞争对手并着手建立新型大国竞争范式。在此背 景下,美国在国家安全与创新战略统领下,充分运用已有技术出口管制体系,组合实施“贸易 - 待遇 - 金融 - 投资”全方位制裁,企图阻碍中国产业链运转、阻止中国产业升级和遏制新兴大国崛起。当前, 中国的科技发展已经进入从跟跑到领跑的关键阶段,面对美国技术出口管制呈现管制理由多样化、实 施主体联盟化、核心领域宽泛化和管控规则定制化的发展趋势,应该积极构建自上而下的应战体系, 同时增强自身维护技术出口安全的能力。
      The control content, intensity and objects of the U.S. Technology Export Control Act change with the relationship between countries, the main contradictions and national strategies in different periods. At present, the United States has regarded China as its main strategic competitor and is establishing a new paradigm of great power competition. In this paper, under the leadership of the national security and innovation strategy, the United States has made full use of the existing technology export control system and implemented a combination of “trade-treatment-finance-investment” comprehensive sanctions in an attempt to hinder the operation of China’s industrial chain, industrial upgrading and emerging powers rise. At present, China’s technological development has entered a critical stage from following to leading. In the face of the development trend of diversification of control reasons, implementation of subject alliances, broadening of core areas, and customization of control rules in U.S. technology export control, China should actively build a top-down challenge system, while enhancing its own ability to maintain the security of technology exports
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