陈敬全.欧盟科技创新的联合自强之路 ——欧盟提升科技创新能力的重要举措分析[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2016,31(3):1~5
欧盟科技创新的联合自强之路 ——欧盟提升科技创新能力的重要举措分析
Road of the EU’s Integration and Self-reliance for Development of STI: Analysis of Important Measures of the EU to Promote STI Capability
中文关键词: 欧盟;科技创新;蓝卡计划;尤里卡计划
英文关键词: European Union;science,technology and innovation;Blue Card Program;Eureca Progrom
陈敬全 国家自然科学基金委员会 
摘要点击次数: 2816
全文下载次数: 2420
      EU remains the largest knowledge-production house in the world. However, EU has long been behind US and Japan in terms of innovation performance. EU faces three main challenges for long—the brain drain, technology gap and European Paradox. To solve these three main challenges, EU has made great efforts to enhance its science, technology and innovation (STI) capability. The first is to construct innovative talent high ground to ensure science excellence. The second is to strengthen technical research and development, and strive to narrow the gap with the US and Japan. The third is to break the European Paradox and promote technology transfer and marketing. Above challenges also exist in China. EU’s experience in innovation performance improvement is a worthful reference for China to promote innovation-driven development and accelerate the construction of innovative country in the new era.
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