蔡笑天,李 哲,杨 洋.美国科技军民融合的特点与启示[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2018,(2):6~10
Characteristics and Enlightenment of American S&T Military and Civilian Integration
中文关键词: 美国;科技军民融合;科技成果转化;政府采购;国防创新试验单元
英文关键词: US; technology integration of civil and military; transformation of scientific and technological achievements; government procurement; DIUx
李 哲  
杨 洋  
摘要点击次数: 2409
全文下载次数: 2144
      Civil-military integration can not only promote the construction of national defense but also effectively enhance the economic strength, optimize the allocation of resources, and achieve a win-win situation of military and economic benefits. The integration of military and civilian science and technology is the key point to promote the in-depth development of military and civilian integration. This paper sorts out the new initiatives of the United States to join the army in recent years, analyzes new measures implemented by the United States agencies such as NASA, DARPA, and DUIx in the areas of innovative investment models, transformation of scientific and technological achievements and the construction of talented personnel to further promote the development of the "people's participation in the military", which has provide a lot of useful enlightenment for our country. China should further simplify administrative procedures, make full use of social resources and establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism. At the same time, a service system for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements in national defense should be established to promote the use of scientific and technological achievements in military and civilian applications.
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