李 秾.北京三大科学城协同发展民用航空碳纤维复合 材料的研究[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2019,34(5):33~40
北京三大科学城协同发展民用航空碳纤维复合 材料的研究
Research on Cooperative Development of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic for Civil Aviation in the Three Science Cities of Beijing
投稿时间:2019-04-21  修订日期:2019-04-21
中文关键词: 北京三大科学城;科技创新中心;民用航空;碳纤维复合材料
英文关键词: the three science cities of Beijing; science and technology innovation center; civil aviation; carbon
基金项目:北京市科委软科学研究资助课题“‘三大科技城’创新生态系统分析与比较研究”(Z171100003217022);中国科学技术信息研究所重点工作“重点科技领域深度分析与研究 2018”(ZD2018-01);青海省科技计划资助项目“青海省‘互联网 +’绿色产业发展”(2018-0303-ZJC-0023)。
李 秾  
摘要点击次数: 2439
全文下载次数: 1602
      By analyzing the development status and market prospects of domestic and foreign carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP) industry for civil aviation, and considering the application level of CFRP for domestic large aircraft, this paper puts forward three urgent problems China’s CFRP industry for civil aviation facing: improvement of airworthiness standard system, independence of core technology and equipment for manufacture of CFRP, and activationthe market demand of other applications of CFRP. In order to solve these problems, the innovative resources and functions of the three science cities of Beijing are analyzed in depth, and the ways of developing CFRP industry by the three science cities are analyzed.
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