杨 洋,韩佳伟.我国科技军民融合中的“军转民”:形势与问题[J].全球科技经济瞭望,2018,(3):42~46 |
我国科技军民融合中的“军转民”:形势与问题 |
Defence Industry Conversion for Civil-Military Integration in China: Situation and Problems |
投稿时间:2018-01-20 |
DOI:10.3772/j.issn.1009-8623.2018.03.008 |
中文关键词: 军转民;科技成果转化;科技军民融合 |
英文关键词: defence industry conversion; science and technology achievement transformation; technology integration of civil and military |
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摘要点击次数: 2529 |
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中文摘要: |
军转民”是科技军民融合的重要内容。本文通过对“军转民”流程3个阶段的分析,发现我国当前“军转民”面临认识观念和体制机制两大类问题,其中,认识观念问题包括计划经济、性能至上等思维难以与市场经济较好接轨,体制机制问题涉及顶层设计、法律法规适用、权责激励和转化中介建设等。最后,文章提出了利用已有组织架构强化宏观统筹和机制设计,厘清保密和有偿服务两条红线,推动国家科技成果转移转化政策在军口落实落地等建议。 |
英文摘要: |
Defence industry conversion is an important part of civil-military integration. By analyzing the three stages of defence industry conversion, this paper comes up with two problems that exist in defence industry conversion. One is the problem of ideas, including thinking of plan economy and performance first; the other is the problem of institutions, including top-level design, applicable laws and regulations, incentives for power and responsibility, transfer intermediary agencies and so on. Finally, it proposes that China should use existing organizations to strengthen the macro-adjustment and mechanism design, clarify two red lines of confidentiality and compensable service, and promote technology transfer in defence industry. |
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